Friday, June 3, 2011

3D Imaging Reloaded!

Last year, we saw the introduction of the Fujifilm Real 3DW1, the world’s first consumer 3D camera. Since then, we have seen new 3D lenses and also some cameras that have limited 3D features. But the only dedicated 3D digital camera remains the Fujifilm, which has now been upgraded in the form of the W3.

The new Real 3D W3 is the only 3D camera that also shoots 720p high-definition video,with stereo sound. The implementation of 3D technology is similar to the way the human eyes work. Two lenses are set apart at a distance of 77mm (similar to the distance between the human eyes), and two sensors interpret the data to form one 3D image. To view the photograph, you need a 3D television set with special glasses, or Fujifilm’s special 3D Viewer. However, if you wish to make 3D prints, you will have to put your plans on hold, as Fujifilm is yet to release its 3D printers in India. Ofcourse, you can simply view the images on the lenticular LCD screen of the camera. The older version of the camera featured a 2.8-inch LCD screen with a resolution of230,000 dots. But, the upgraded W3 boasts of a bigger 3.5-inch screen, with a much higher resolution of 11,50,000 dots. The camera has two Advanced Scene Modes, namely Advanced 2D and Advanced 3D. The Advanced 3D mode lets you create a 3D image from two shots of a moving subject that are taken at a specific,user-defined interval. This can prove to be very effective when shooting moving objects in an otherwise stationary scene. On the other hand, the Advanced 2Dmode lets you take two simultaneous shots with different looks. Besides these features, the camera also has parallax control to correct ghosting.

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