Friday, June 3, 2011

Graphical Visions

Creative Communication

“Photography is the perfect medium for me to express my creativity and thereby communicate what I feel and see,” he opines. But does the fact that he is a visual designer have an impact on his photography style? “As a graphic designer, I have an understanding of composition and various elements of visual design like lines, forms, shapes and textures. This background gives me a good idea on how to frame my photographs.” This understanding is clearly refl ected in his photographs. Architecture captured in crazy, geometrical patterns, a whole lot of textures, an interplay of light and darkness, all fi gure very prominently in his photographs. “My work is an attempt to explore and create moments from the often ignored, yet unique remains of the concrete jungle in order to reconstruct an urban aesthetic,” he says.

Beauty in Colours

Another very prominent feature of Sanjay’s work is that his images are fi lled with colours. Riveting blues, bright greens and lovely neon colours all fi nd a place in his photographs and add a certain drama to the frame as a whole. “There is a lot of colour in India, and it is very diffi cult not to notice it. Since I compose my photographs in a minimalistic fashion, only the very colourful part of the environment is captured,” he explains.

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